Sheldon Carruthers Poems

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Dearer to me than all others

Who cared for me when no one else bothered


For all the love you’ve given us -

That we carry wherever we go -

Mary's Prayer

Mary had a little problem she told her doctor so
He signed her to the loony bin where no one else would know
The source of her confusion the fact that they had lied
The mental health profession the devil in disguise

End Of The World Man

The affluent create the effluent that runs into the sea
Poisoning all the fishes killing you and me
Global warming for the poor so the rich can drive their 4x4s
close the door on everbody's suffering or simply choose to ignore

I Do Not Like Reading Books

Soul Destoyer

He watches me from the darkness
Feeding of my every mistake, regret and doubt
Fear abides my every thought, my every waking day
But at night I kneel and prey to destroy this enemy of mine

Losing Game

love is such a losing game when you have entirely no self worth
to be on a quest then lose your zest is probably even worse
to hold yourself above the rest may seem the best at times
but to lose the plot and forgot who you are is totally unkind

Better Off Dead


I shall dine on thee tonight
first your liver then your spine maybe with a little wine
for you are all mine all mine
some tasty morsels are your eyes I shall put it in pastry pie


You hide behind your office for cruelties untold
your lies are bold our suffering is your gold
you cannot stand the truth that you cause us pain
you talk about us as if not human or somewhere in-between

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