Sir Walter Scott Poems

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Marmion: Canto 6 (Excerpt)

Next morn the Baron climb'd the tower,
To view afar the Scottish power,
Encamp'd on Flodden edge:
The white pavilions made a show,

Nora's Vow

Hear what Highland Nora said, -
'The Earlie's son I will not wed,
Should all the race of nature die,

Proud Masie

Proud Maisie is in the wood,
Walking so early;
Sweet Robin sits on the bush,
Singing so rarely.

Patriotism 02 Nelson, Pitt, Fox

TO mute and to material things
New life revolving summer brings;
The genial call dead Nature hears,
And in her glory reappears.

As Lords Their Labourers' Hire Delay

As lords their labourers' hire delay,
Fate quits our toil with hopes to come,
Which, if far short of present pay,

The Maid Of Neidpath

O lovers’ eyes are sharp to see,
And lovers’ ears in hearing;
And love, in life’s extremity,
Can lend an hour of cheering.

Bruce And The Abbot

The Abbot on the threshold stood,
And in his hand the holy rood:
Then, cloaking hate with fiery zeal,

Cleveland's Song

Farewell! Farewell! the voice you hear,
Has left its last soft tone with you,-
Its next must join the seaward cheer,


The glowing censers, and their rich perfume;
The splendid vestments, and the sounding choir;
The gentle sigh of soul-subduing piety;

Elspeth's Ballad

The herring loves the merry moon-light,
The mackerel loves the wind,
But the oyster loves the dredging sang,
For they come of a gentle kind.

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