If you do not believe,
Go and get you
Your lungs
A cigar burning,
And you smoking,
Poetry Time
Poetry time,
It s poetry time,
Ginsberg in the company of babas and sadhus
Smoking marijuana
And saying, Vyom, Om
With the fake and pseudo-babas and sadhus
Platform Imagery
The young mistress in the burqa
My ganjeri son,
Where lie you
Piping in
Ganjaraja, taking ganja, where do you lie in
And puffing out,
I said,
Do not smoke,
Cigarette smoking is dangerous to health,
Statutory warning,
When smoked I the cigar for the first time,
Thought I myself a hero
Taking a cigarette,
Buying it and lighting it
What are you doing in
The Parliament house? ,
When was asked about,
Said he,
With a cigar held in between the fingers,
He taking the puffs pausing, thinking something,
Trails of smoke arising
And the lines of poetry too coming to
Friend, you call me a great poet,
I shall also call you a great poet
And if to go deep into,
We are not less than anyone else.