Suzanna Chevalier Poems

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Big Tomatoe

When I was about five,
I thought tornados came alive.
Alive into a big tomato with legs,
walking up the hill to where I lived.

Melodie Mezoree’ Meets Shelly

Shelly meets Melodie with her yellow yarn hair,
Shelly introduces herself and shares;
“This is the sunniest time of year,
I welcome you Melodie with good cheer! ”

Please Don’t Take Our Sunshine Away

Please don’t take our sunshine away,
For our flowers need their sunshine
Like our trees and plants too.
And all the animals need to wake up so they know what they are to do.

Melodie The Music Maker

Melodie the music maker
Loves to play the flute.
She’ll play her flute, named the Lu Lu wearing her matching colored suit.
Her flute makes beautiful sounds more than just a toot.

Tess The Labrador

Elevator floor numbers are going to ground floor,
elevator door opens with Mr. Call and Tess the Labrador.
Tess begins to sway quick to the East,
I think it’s a ghost she wants to meet.

Melodie The Krendoll Doll

There once was a doll named Melodie
Who brought children lots of joy
Melodie is not like any other doll
For she is a magical toy.

Delusional Neighbor

Delusional neighbor, Mike who lived out back
Used to think he owned property and that is a fact.
He tried to arrest Jerry in the upstairs place
By hitting his own self in the face.

The People That Knew I Was Innocent

Thank Frank and all of my true friends
For being there for me in the end.
They knew me as a person and I would never
Harm physically anyone…

Why Isn'T There Healing In Jail?

The soul gets hurt when it goes to jail
This is where the system fails…
It does psychological damage like that
It makes humans feel bad, guilty

Joy And Inspiration Lives

Came as a light worker to make jail not so grim- -
inmates being in jail needed some smiles.
Their thoughts and feelings were quite dim.
Going on a mission as a change agent

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