Tom Courtney Poems

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told the lady behind the counter
at the deli that I’m crazy and she just laughed and said no! But it’s true I really am crazy
And she said you don't look crazy
And I said no I don't suppose I do

Ballad Of Croccy & Lizzy

A tale with two tails & a love tale true

Listen my children, and you shall hear
A tale of laughter and a crocodile tear

Dream Theme

Dream Theme. I word-searched my poems and short stories for the word 'dream'. What do you think?

Mesmerizing game it seems
wishing hoping chasing DREAMS


You know that special someone
who draws you in beyond your interests
in health and sanity?
with the inexorable force of sex?

I Think I Am

Who am I? Seems mild enough
What’s the material? What’s the stuff?
Questions asked since ages old
Libraries of thought once writ unfold

Jenny 1

And Jenny this night is darkest
as I’m standing in the rain
You taught me every pleasure
brings with it its own pain

Stand On The Rock

Boy stands easily on the smooth flat rock
Pond shines around like his first set of teeth
and the mountains of sky
and the razors of conifers surround

Goodnight Mr. Oliver

The sun settles into the hills
behind the hospital compound
And the long shadows fade
into the dimness of the evening

How Did You Know?

'At sea once more we had to pass the Sirens, whose sweet singing lures sailors to their doom. I had stopped up the ears of my crew with wax, and I alone listened while lashed to the mast, powerless to steer toward shipwreck. Odyssey, Book XII

And how can I thank you?
You showed me I’m wrong

Poet (The) You See

I wouldn’t be doing my job
if I didn’t tell you what
I’m thinking
now would I?

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