Tom Zart Poems

Hit Title Date Added
God's King Of Christmas!

Many brave souls lived before now
Unwept and unknown by their face.
Lost somewhere in the distant night
Till God's poets chronicle their grace.

Christmas, Love, Faith, Trust & Morality!

Help keep America free from demise
Like so many times in history before.
How many families have wept at Christmas
As there sweethearts marched off to war?

God's Seed Of Love!

Lord I pray for my angel of love
A blessing from heaven and Father above.
Lord I pray for my angel of love
So I may fly on the wings of dove.

God's Seeds Of Love!

Lord I pray for my angel of love
A blessing from heaven and Father above.
Lord I pray for my angel of love
So I may fly on the wings of a dove.

Pray Love To Last!

Too many are cruel too few are good
Too many pursue what they never should.
Too many live to serve just them self
Too many Bibles draw dust on the shelf.

God's Heroes Of Love!

Esther & David were God's heroes love
Who prayed to the Father of Jesus above.
Sometimes we're happy sometimes sad
Sometimes good and sometimes bad.

Protect, Love & Pray!

Who do you trust for wisdom and love?
Who hears prayers and leads from above?
Who gives us awareness both night or day?
He who reminds us to protect, love and pray!

Wisdom Of The Lord!

The choices we make night or day
Determine our happiness tomorrow.
Sometimes we fail to enjoy the moment
As we focus on pain and sorrow.

Conviction & The Storms Of Life!

Conviction is our emotional union
As we weather the storms of Earth.
Thank God for His amazing grace
Which helps us reveal our worth.

Sad Man's Love Song!

Where are the women who need a good man
Where are the women with love in their hand?
Where are the children who played on the lawn
Where are the children when mom and dad are gone?

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