Abdul Wahab Truth Poems

>Truth Vs Falsehood

I am baked and fried
Checked and cross checked
I am a man of another world
Another planet

Colour Of Truth

Give me the last bath
Without soap and water
Put me under the dry soil,
I do not want to drench myself

The Truth I Learn

In the morning I was happy
And was very sad in the evening
For the profession once i was in
But no difference it brought to me

>≫≫Survival Of Truth

Face to face awkwardly with devils
Things changed, situations tense
Peace is minutes away from destruction
From them a lie more can trigger a war

>≫Unlearning -The Way Of Getting Truth

Learning is a process in which lies
The power of knowledge but I like to unlearn
The art of telling lies and inventing them
I do not like to be in an ego trip which is the biggest lie

Tell Me The Truth

You need not to look around
When you talk with me
Close your eyes fast
Tell me the truth

Truth -সত্য

আমরা সবাই জন্মেছি মানুষের ঘরে
সকল ধর্ম কর্ম দেখাই মানুষের তরে
আড়াল করে এক অতি সত্য কথা
শুধু চলেছি উড়িয়ে মিথ্যার পতাকা

Bitter Truth

Life is poetry
Says the poet

Same way the sage says

Black Truth

Half truth is more dangerous
Than a truth but we are lucky
There is no such thing like a half lie
And there is no black truth, too

Truth Versus Politics

It is a futile exercise
To get truth of the events
Through politics
As it is bi polar in nature

Truth (Two)

the same spirit
Vary man to man
country to country
comes in different


A bird
Never caged
Never lies
out side

Master Molester Of Truth

You pick the pebble
From the path
And show the world
As a frog

What A Truth Under The Bullshit!

You always put forth the positive,
bravo, however I am unable to
neglect the negative, I see the ship
is sinking in the deep sea, be yourself

Error Success