Warren Falcon Poems

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[from early poems,1970's, youthful attempts at voice]

Fogs of summer
Through the green

How It Was I Came To Be What I Am - A Fable

[from early poems,1970's, youthful attempts at voice]

For 'Spider' Bottas

Because They Rhyme They Live, Not I

'O Poesy! for thee I grasp my pen
That am not yet a glorious denizen
Of thy wide heaven; yet, to my ardent prayer,
Yield from thy sanctuary some clear air,

Surrealistic Sutures For The Acetylene Virgin

I think that poetry should stay
awake all night drinking in dark cellars.' - Thomas Merton

'The bells, I say, the bells outbreak their towers...
- Hart Crane, from 'The Broken Tower'

These three
being of stone
or steel...

Hair of soap
and head of tears
Rinse mine eyes
of Christmas stars

The Icarus Of Housewives, Circa 1981

From ashtrays he rises
when birds in backyards
have been fed their seed,
a dove amid the starlings.

Who To Blame - On The Ocassion Of The Deaths Of Robin Williams And Michael Brown

'My head is full of fire and grief and my tongue
runs wild, pierced with shards of glass.'

Not The Moon But The Poem

Seeing the moon whole could mean
madness, now or overdue, for the supreme
vanity of daring to eye-gulp the whole swiss cheese.

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