Warren Falcon Poems

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The Cracked Cup, Somewhat Shakespherical

for Michael Malek
'where'ere he be, his love for 'the Bard' '

Temple Ruin Haiku

the broken bell
has no tongue

the recluse spider

He rests awhile in the wide
orchard where bright plum flowers rain.

He unrolls his pallet to sleep

for Gerald & Shirah Kober Zeller

'Lord, lord...why are our finest always dead'


for Jose - 'now he is with the Lamb'

'The fact is that until I fall asleep,

Sleep Walk

for grandmother

Slips into focus a memory

for Barnett Newman, Abstract Expressionist Painter,
Cy Twombly, Sculptor/Painter, & Frank O'Hara, American
Poet, Art Curator & Art Critic

for Beti Ramos, curandera, maestra, hermana

1 (Carolina prelude - near death - midsummer)

“Now we come to discover that the moments of agony...are likewise permanent with such permanence as time has...Or even a very good dinner, but the sudden illumination - -We had the experience but missed the meaning.” - from “The Dry Salvages” by T.S. Eliot



for four poets, among many others, who have
profoundly influenced my worldview, selfview, and voice:

Robert Duncan, Jack Spicer, Robin Blaser, and Grandfather Walt Whitman

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