William Cowper Poems

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Adam: A Sacred Drama. Act 1.

To Heaven's bright lyre let Iris be the bow,
Adapt the spheres for chords, for notes the stars;


Though nature weigh our talents, and dispense
To every man his modicum of sense,
And Conversation in its better part

Olney Hymn 6: Wisdom

'Ere God had built the mountains,
Or raised the fruitful hills;
Before he fill'd the fountains
That feed the running rills;

Yardley Oak

Survivor sole, and hardly such, of all
That once lived here, thy brethren, at my birth,
(Since which I number threescore winters past,)

Welcome To The Table

This is the feast of heavenly wine,
And God invites to sup;
The juices of the living Vine
Were press'd to fill the cup.

Gratitude And Love To God

All are indebted much to thee,
But I far more than all,
From many a deadly snare set free,
And raised from many a fall.

Of Himself

William was once a bashful youth;
His modesty was such,
That one might say (to say the truth)
He rather had too much.

The Poplar Field

The poplars are felled, farewell to the shade
And the whispering sound of the cool colonnade:
The winds play no longer and sing in the leaves,
Nor Ouse on his bosom their image receives.

Horace. Book Ii. Ode X.

Receive, dear friend, the truths I teach,
So shalt thou live beyond the reach
Of adverse fortune's power;
Not always tempt the distant deep,

On A Goldfinch, Starved To Death In His Cage

Time was when I was free as air,
The thistle's downy seed my fare,
My drink the morning dew;
I perch'd at will on every spray,

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