William Ernest Henley Poems

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The beach was crowded. Pausing now and then,
He groped and fiddled doggedly along,
His worn face glaring on the thoughtless throng
The stony peevishness of sightless men.

Allegro Maestoso

Spring winds that blow
As over leagues of myrtle-blooms and may;
Bevies of spring clouds trooping slow,
Like matrons heavy bosomed and aglow

London Voluntaries Iv: Out Of The Poisonous East

Out of the poisonous East,
Over a continent of blight,
Like a maleficent Influence released
From the most squalid cellerage of hell,

Ballade Of Midsummer Days And Nights

With a ripple of leaves and a tinkle of streams
The full world rolls in a rhythm of praise,
And the winds are one with the clouds and beams -

Ave, Caesar!

From the winter's grey despair,
From the summer's golden languor,
Death, the lover of Life,
Frees us for ever.

Double Ballad Of Life And Death

Fools may pine, and sots may swill,
Cynics gibe, and prophets rail,
Moralists may scourge and drill,
Preachers prose, and fainthearts quail.

In The Year That's Come And Gone

In the year that's come and gone, love, his flying feather
Stooping slowly, gave us heart, and bade us walk together.

I. M. R. T. Hamilton Bruce (1846-1899)

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

Life Is Bitter

Life is bitter. All the faces of the years,
Young and old, are gray with travail and with tears.
Must we only wake to toil, to tire, to weep?

I Gave My Heart To A Woman

I gave my heart to a woman –
I gave it her, branch and root.
She bruised, she wrung, she tortured,
She cast it under foot.

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