Buyunde Akura Sylivester

Buyunde Akura Sylivester Poems


Home alone,
A place to be on,
Where to find me on phone,
I'll be seated by the stone.

Heart of the year, just got near,
Lighting streets, with bright lights,
Conspicuous blinks, of bright winks,
Of Christ's mass, this Christmas.

He'd lost sleep, at your age one,
Nursing you, as his son.
At age ten, he lost his favourite,
Perfume, to pay fees.

Executing your brutality, commanding much faulty,
Upon your audience, paying a strong surveillance,
But don't you over all, think that your subject is acquittal
Of whichever your mind, has judged them behind.

You can see I care less,
Yes, i have no quick race,
To pale up my face,
With too much stress.

I feel wow!
Not just in a single way,
No matter your distance away.

He's a man of arts and science,
A man with right conscience,
With passion for for both parts,
That's sciences and arts.

Scene One:

I was born in Kenya,
I was born a Kenyan,

Shiny and modern,
Young juvenile face of beauty,
Looking intimately nonchalant,
Very humane and softened,

All is but the name,
You keep it for fame,
Am an observer! ,

A night without darkness,
I know you won't take off your dress,
So you won't guess a nap,
With your head drowned,

In a highly delicate diplomatic meeting,
I see a haze of lips flapping,
Lip on lip,
No one to sleep,

A good sermon should be like,
A miniskirt:
Short enough to arouse interest,
Long enough to cover the essentials.

It's now what we call,
A long period to recall,
but short to remember,
the late eve of December,

This is my diary, of what I'd done,
A moment of sorry, for this one,
Mistake I'd to learn, the whole in a story;
leaving you alone, in a city of no ivory,

This father to James is funny,
He has a very funny naming,
Not only to what he sees,
But also what he sires,

S- Strongly in love with you,
Y- Yearning for you,
L- Liking everything in you,
V- Very sincere to you,

Am carrying somebody's mercy,
Am holding somebody's fear,
Am carrying somebody's heart,
Am living somebody's life,

(Clearing the throat)
'... I know I won,
I understand I lead,
But that does not mean I exclude,

He who occupies the right hand side of,
He who's left hand side is occupied,
By Him, the before named,
Sent the latter,

Buyunde Akura Sylivester Biography

A decorated poet and blogger in poetry)

The Best Poem Of Buyunde Akura Sylivester


Home alone,
A place to be on,
Where to find me on phone,
I'll be seated by the stone.

Home for long,
A place to go strong,
Where to find me without wrong,
I'll be waiting a knock at door gong.

Home for good,
A place to get food,
Where to find no trace of rude,
I'll be relaxed to manage my mood.

Home my home,
A place to avoid life storm,
Where smiles 're always worm,
I'll be chatting with brother Tom.

Home my fame,
A place to hold my name,
Where my title find its stem,
I'll be standing to rub my shame.

Home of peace,
A place that none tease,
Where respect never miss,
I'll be holding your forehead for a kiss.

Home best refuge,
A place we no grudge,
Where care has no judge,
I'll be having meals by the fridge.

Home is sweetest,
A place without evil test,
Where, West from East,
I'll sing, Home remain the best!

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