Hardik Vaidya Poems

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Unwritten Poetry

At times she comes and refuses to leave.
She softly whispers this time let it only be we.
I loose my self in her warm embrace,
Buried in her bosom like the crescent of the moon,

Road Cowboys Of Gujarat

I love you my dear, your obsession so queer.
Reading King Lear, only when you have beer.
Driving always on the wrong side,
Your head lights gleaming with solid pride.

Baval - A Thorny Shrub

Shrubby, thorny, always on the edge.
Edge of roads, edge of soil, edge of deserts.
Hardy, earthy, rough, solitary yet full.
Thirsty, always needing something.

Praagaash - The All Girls Band In Jammu And Kashmir.

Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswati
Raging rivers wanton and free.
From the snows of Kashmir,
Rises the base of our nations Keel.

Calcutta - My Love

On your bosom I grew tall.
The waters of Hoogly gurgle and call.
Your soil seeped through the pores of my soul.
The waters of Hoogly gurgle and call.

Rabindranath Thakur - A Strong Complaint.

Do you fathom what you have done?
By penning a poem that refuses to be unsung?
Sung melodious, sung deep, sung from the sun that shines in deep?
The soul becomes an orchestra and plays to your timeless hark,


Itune to my tune
My tune gave into your tune
In full bloom of your soulful symphony
The Cuckoo coos your drunken youths tune,


Now I know where clouds are born.
Now I know where mist is formed.
With the eyes of a child,
The soul of a man,


The earth has erupted in flames in my garden of games.
Reading my mind, cheating my kind,
laughing like a child she gives hidden clues,
making me blush in her golden hues.

Office Meetings

Please bring open minds.
Get your full body just not your hinds.
Leave behind old sores,

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