Justin Gildow Poems

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Returning Home
Those kids have nothing to worry about
The night is over
The castle has imploded into the sea

Stephanie Antonopoulos

You're young
Perhaps even young at heart
But one thing's for certain
You have a heart of gold

Around The Maypole We Go

Come with me little one
Let's go and have some fun

The maypole is attracting the both of us

As The Witches Walk Along

The night is almost here
The sun is nearly gone
And the witches know that at this time
Time is on their side

Pop Star

Pop star
I'm waiting for you
I'm waiting for you to sing
I'm waiting for you to take the microphone off

Walking Alone During These Winter Nights

Walking alone during these winter nights
I'm left with my own thoughts
As well as cherishing everything I've got

This Is England

Call upon the sun
Call upon the rain
The flowers have blossomed
The trees are fully covered

Meeting And Following The Mermaids

Far away from land
I'm swimming under the sea
Looking for some sea treasures
Either hidden or out in plain sight

The Puppet Princess Of Marl Kingdom

I sit outside by my house
In the middle of the town
She comes with her horn
She comes with her army of puppets

The Hounds Howl At Night (Reprise)

The hounds howl at night
Because evil is here
The hounds howl at night
For the terror that will soon begin

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