Peter Daniel Phiri

Peter Daniel Phiri Poems

I'm a hustler, I have to keep moving.
Money is my business, yours is loving me.
Don't place too much hope on eyeing another eclipse,
It may take a lifetime.

You say you are an orphan unto life, ..
But I'm an orphan unto love.
You refuse to give me another chance,
But soon you will be my past;

In plight of loving you,
I bleed,
And willingly surrender my self to death.
For with death,

Unfortunately, I will not stop,
Across Africa, I will travel with this African face,
My African pride,
And my African story.

Don't put on that sorry face because you are leaving me,
I'm happy for you.
For whatever makes you happy,
Makes me happy as well.

This poem is dedicated to you,
My love,
For so many things you don't understand,
So many nitigrities I have no power to explain.

I believe in the greater calling,
I believe I can change the world.
I am a voice of hope,
A voice of encouragement,

He dumped you and left you torpsy-turvy on the ground.
But I will pick you up like a diamond soaked in mud.
My love shall rain upon your traculant state,
My noble heart shall gently touch yours in tatters;

I have something to say,
And I want to say it to you.
I have love in my heart,
and joy in my soul.

Tick tick, my heart beats together with my watch,
Counting down the time, my spirit can't wait for a new year; for new joys and accomplishments.
I heard Santa is coming,
So I await here on my window panting and anticipating.

Behold, the ground shaking,
The same pound hammers pounding.
Somewhat louder, wilder, ...carefree!
Wandering out in the dark.

Oh, dear old poet!
Your words make sense to me now,
Five years after you are dead and gone; lying in your grave quiet.

On the 21st of June,
1989 was the year...
This young fellow bellowed,
On a biting cold morning when birds were too cold to sing,

Like a jungle untamed,
Wisdom untapped,
The holy garden of Eden unveiled.
We are never certain,

One little step after another,
I humbly bow my head low,
In submission,
In utter respect,

Don’t follow that star you always show me at night,
All that glitters is not gold, be careful,
It dwells in dark lands strange unto men

When you speak you sing life from deep within your soul and it’s quite clear when you smile in the mirror the world smiles back at you!
Inside, you are still the same kid Playing childish games Together with others On the runway
Under the full virgin moon Chasing butterflies with childish endurance Delirious, lost in fantasy! Like the blind man on his walking sticks
So don’t cry The day you realize, that l meant happiness in your life

What I feel is deep and wide...
like I can never reach its depth...
Someone told me it's rich and wise...
i can only picture her in white!

You remind me of my struggle,
You remind me of my streangth yet to come;
Of a dream in the making,
And a love once dear to my life.

My most delightful dear,
My loved one, come near.
Don't queer nor fear,
Though I trance like I'm drunk with beer.

The Best Poem Of Peter Daniel Phiri

If I Find Time, I Will Love You

I'm a hustler, I have to keep moving.
Money is my business, yours is loving me.
Don't place too much hope on eyeing another eclipse,
It may take a lifetime.
Please smile, don't waste your precious tears my dear.
If I find time, I will love you.

I can't promise you or society anything,
If I do, I deserve punishment.
But I'm certain I'll make it in life.

Let me pack my bags again;
I'm going globetrotting.
I can hear the sound of water in Victoria Falls.
I'm afraid I will take another leap of faith.
I will mount an elephant and proceed to Barbados Islands.
When the sun goes down, the fun begins.
If I'm left with my last cent, I will hustle again.
Time is a luxury I don't have,
But if I find time, I will love you.

I have a lot of languages to learn,
I have a lot of places to go,
And an empire to build.
It may take me a lifetime.
I was born a hustler, I can't give guarantees.
But if I find time, I will love you.

Peter Daniel Phiri Comments

Peter Daniel Phiri Quotes

My past used me to create a picture of its own..but I am erasing that part now and using the future to create a picture of my own!

All about life is a game, the essence is to win, the trick is to play it long enough.

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