A Lonely Blue Bird Poem by Akhtar Jawad

A Lonely Blue Bird

Rating: 5.0

If you do not love me why do you see me with half eyes?
Truthful eyes and color on your face contradict your lies,
You know, yes you know sweetheart that you love me,
Lovers know on the green earth Angles on the blue skies,
Flowers paint this love birds sing it clouds blend their rains
The sun the moon the stars, all between earth and skies,
With the heat of my love ice blocks melted on the mountains
A narrow river got puberty, and its bed found the dyes,
A fish, has been sleeping since long became a mermaid
Waiving her hands and is calling me, she never shies,
If you don't love me I'm going now to the swimming fairy,
She‘ll remain into my arms she is not a bird and never flies.

O blue bird why are you alone where is your partner
As a lovely friend I shall keep you in my waiting house,
I shall not cage you I shall take care of you as a friend.
But she went somewhere, perhaps she got a spouse.

After a few days I saw a couple of birds making a nest,
O god for this beautiful couple all the best, all the best!

Saturday, August 10, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: bird loving
Jane Campion 10 August 2019

Well imagined. Love the images.

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Kostas Lagos 10 August 2019

Really beautiful poem Akhtar!

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 12 August 2019

A very lovely, sweet and romantic poem. Birds are wonderful and beautiful creatures. They bring delight by their beautiful songs Beautifully written.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 11 August 2019

O blue bird why are you alone where is your partner As a lovely friend I shall keep you in my waiting house, I shall not cage you I shall take care of you as a friend. But she went somewhere, perhaps she got a spouse......touching expression with outstanding conceptualization. Beautiful poem. Thanks for sharing.

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Khalida Bano Ali 10 August 2019

Liked this romantic poem, a nice one.

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Khalida Bano Ali 10 August 2019

A nice poem on bird loving, a romantic one.

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Bernard F. Asuncion 10 August 2019

Reminds me of the song LADY WITH A BLUEBIRD popularized by AMERICA in 1984...10++++

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