A Single Blade Of Grass Poem by Dave Alan Walker

A Single Blade Of Grass

Rating: 4.1

A single blade of grass
Is it dead
Is it living
Is it breathing

Does it see
Does it feel
Does it die

Who draws the line
With life and death

Eric Cockrell 11 April 2012

who indeed? great questions!

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Babatunde Aremu 11 April 2012

Very apt and touching, it raised many question about life

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Allyson Ednie 11 April 2012

does it feel crushed beneath the heel of the other blades of grass like we do? now you've got me thinking about ants and what they would say if only they could.

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Adeline Foster 11 April 2012

Ah, the questions. Read mine - Of Dandelions and Tears - Adeline

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Valerie Dohren 13 April 2012

I like this one very much - in my mind everything has life and should be respected, even a blade of grass.

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Jodie Hardy 27 August 2013

Good question Dave, very interesting xx

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Ryan Brodesser 12 August 2013

An interesting poem, puts up the question. Are we indeed walking on something alive? Are we killing it and cannot hear it's silent cries?

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Heather Wilkins 07 August 2013

who draws the line with life and death. good question

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Geetha Jayakumar 27 July 2013

Short and Sweet..Lovely poem. Great write..

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Sue Ann Simar 18 July 2013

Of course, this brings to mind Leaves of Grass. . The smallest sprout shows there is really no death. . Out of the multitudes, mostly unseen or unthought of, every single blade, every individual asks these questions. . I like that you don't give an answer.

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