Song, I Look In Lakes... - Translation (Rus.) Poem by Lyudmila Purgina

Song, I Look In Lakes... - Translation (Rus.)

From the film 'The shadows go out at noon'
Text: L.Afanasyev
Music: I.Shaferan

I look in lakes, in deep-blue sky
And daisies pick in fields.
I call you - Russia, land of mine,
The only land I live.
You could me ask for many times -
There is no other land,
Which's so sweet to heart of mine
And gave me russian name.

I look in lakes, in deep-blue sky
And daisies pick in fields.
I call you - Russia, land of mine,
The only land I live.
Don't know better destiny
To share all your days,
To bear with you sufferings,
And celebrate the fame.

Your beauty haven't dwindled less
By stress and years gone.
And Marias and Ivans as yet
You are so proud of.
Not all of those falcons loved
Returned to native land,
But glory, ever high and bright -
Your's merited reward.

Your beauty haven't dwindled less
By grief and years gone.
And Marias and Ivans as yet
You are so proud of.
Don't know better destiny
To share all your days,
To bear with you sufferings,
And celebrate the fame.

The hit of russain lyrical songs

Lyudmila Purgina

Lyudmila Purgina

Russian Federation
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