Songs Waving Symbols Of Freedom Poem by RoseAnn V. Shawiak

Songs Waving Symbols Of Freedom

Building the world a song at a time, lyrics tying ribbons
around them like presents from the Divine, selected ahead
of time.

Nothing to ruin the surprise as rhythms follow through and
taking steps to move across train tracks that suddenly appear
in the ebony blackness of this night.

Moving along, enjoying its intensity of belief and morals as
they exercise their equal rights in depths of music, rallying
around together, hoping for festive times with one another.

Always taking time to keep in touch, plenty of time to share
and be together, a silent and energetic beauty tending to
the intensity of rhythms.

Giving plenty of room to move about, never tiring of this
blessed event in the history of our world, spreading free-
dom far and wide while taking away freedom of the corrupt.

Leaving them behind because they're not good people, using
military tribunals to bring justice against them for their
numerous crimes of treason.

All good in the scheme of things to come, removing the evil
so only good decent people will make our world a greater
place than ever.

Songs waving their symbols of our freedom and rule of law
through the Constitution of the United States of America,
teaching the world what life and freedom really are.

Friday, December 4, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: songs of life
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