The Poet's World Poem by Rani Turton

The Poet's World

Rating: 5.0

How many poets have these pavements known
Stepping and storming, thinking and weaving
Lines into dreams; these cracked intellectual stones
Have mutely remained still under the onslaught of words:
Silent in the fury of the poet's world.

This twisted tree has seen me too
Trying to reason out what I did,
The evidence of the illogical emotion
And the rational linear world.

Why did the clouds run away?
Was there a reason the moon suddenly hid?
Why did the waves slosh and fall? Fated to follow the tide,
Feelings and fate, the poems pour out.

The city waits, accepting the flow
Of verse that, thrown into the river
Flowed on, flowed on. The river takes all
And life carries on, carries on.

Copyright: Rani Turton

Ramesh T A 14 September 2009

In the poet's world poetry river is common to quench the thirst of readers!

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Indira Renganathan 14 September 2009

Quite true..this is a different world of ocean where words and even poets get submerged to making of pearls...lucky divers get pearls of good quality...lovely poem

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Ranjit Ravindran 10 October 2009

Poets are so special...They create their own world immaterial of their physical surroundings... Nice poem.

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Patti Masterman 25 September 2009

This is nice; I got a tremendous sense of the symbolism behind the words, very profound. Have to favorite this one, because it is exactly my kind of poetry.

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Kesav Easwaran 22 September 2009

well said Rani...imaginative thinking...very much original and creative work...thanks...10

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Daniel Blevins 17 September 2009

'The twisted tree has seen me too', love it! Great poem! ~

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C. P. Sharma 14 September 2009

This twisted tree has seen me too Trying to reason out what I did, The evidence of the illogical emotion And the rational linear world. I enjoyed the dig in these lines. CP

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