Yuri Starostin

Yuri Starostin Poems

Song of the Varangian Guest from the Opera 'Sadko'
The waves terrible break up with the roaring on the rocks
And, turning with the white foam, run back.
But firmly the grey cliffs endure the waves rush

Novice Mzyri
Mikhail Lermontov

BORODINO Mikhail Lermontov
- Tell, uncle, it is not a gift,
Moscow burnt by a fire,
does given to the frenchman?

About motherland

I could not to understand, but now I do -

My Dagestan
When travelled the set of the countries,
Tired, after the farewell at home I was turned back,
Inclined over me Dagestan has asked:

Where the stream
Runs in the stones,
Is humming

The cranes
It seems to me at times that the soldiers,
Do not come from the bloody fields,
Not in this earth have lie once,

Musicals - Notre Dame De Paris - Esmeralda

Native language
Always all in a dream is a ridiculous is and strange.
An asleep was me today my death.
There is in the afternoon heat in the valley of Dagestan

* * *
The life is whimsical. All of us are within its power.
We grumble and we abuse the life.
... Than more difficultly it is, than more dangerously -

The tale on Tsar Saltan, on his son glorious and mighty bogatyr prince Gvidon Saltanovich and on a beautiful princess Swan by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

Three girls under the window
Spun late in the evening.

In the moon shine
In the moon shine
The snow is silver in the moon shine,
The troyka rush along the road.

Barmaley Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky


The crow and the fox Krylov Ivan Andreevich

Too many times to told the world,
That a flattery is vile, harmful; but it is not for the stock,

Romances — Beggar Woman

The winter is, the snowstorm is, and the snow fall
By the large flakes at the strong wind,

Aria from the Opera Aleko

The entire camp is asleep,
The moon over it by the midnight beauty shine,

6. Scene of Lensky's Arioso.

So happy, so happy I am!

Fairy tale on the fisherman and small fish
The old man was lives with own old woman
At the most dark blue sea;

»On separate page <file: ///gamzatov/v-starinu-pisali.aspx>
* * *
In you I am enamoured and fascinated again...
This same does not happen -do you speak?

* * *
Either to you, Dagestan my epic,
I do not to pray,
Either you I do not to love,

The Best Poem Of Yuri Starostin

Song Of The Varangian Guest From The Opera 'sadko'

Song of the Varangian Guest from the Opera 'Sadko'
The waves terrible break up with the roaring on the rocks
And, turning with the white foam, run back.
But firmly the grey cliffs endure the waves rush
Stand over the sea.

From those rocks stone at us, Varangians, the bones are,
From the sea waves in us, the blood-ore went.
And the thoughts are secret from the fog,
We born at the sea will die at the sea.

The swords is the bulat, the arrows are sharp at the Varangians,
They cause the death missless to the enemy,
The people of the midnight countries are brave,
Great their One God is, sullen the sea is.

Yuri Starostin Comments

Meghan Trevino 05 September 2020

Visitors and comments are most welcome. Thanks in advance. Truly Yours,

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Meghan Trevino 05 September 2020

Pain — has an Element of Blank —

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