Bijay Kant Dubey Foreigner Poems

Foreigner girl,
You do not,
Do not know it,
How much,

An Indian girl wanting to look like a foreigner
Has cut her hair short
To be bobby-cut
And has browned the hair

Indian English Poetry Is Indian's Foreigner English

Though there is nothing like Indian English,
Pakistani English, Sinhalese English,
But instead of it call we
To write in English

A Foreigner Girl

A foreigner girl
Coming and approaching,
Approaching and going,
Passing off

Foreigner Girl!

Foreigner girl,
Which shore dwell you,
Across the Pacific or the Atlantic?

A Foreigner Devotee & Her Love For Kisna

Where you Kisna,
My Kisna,
Kisna? ,

Becoming A Foreigner Girl, Where Are You Going, My Daughter?

A foreigner,
A foreigner girl,
Where are you going,
Going, my love,

Foreigner Radha, Foreigner Krishna At Iskcon Mela

Foreigner Radha,
Foreigner Krishna,
i saw it at ISKCON Mela?

A foreigner belle,
Standing before
From across the overseas,

O Foreigner Girl!

O foreigner girl,
I know it not,
Where live you,
But the heart of mine

O foreigner girl, where dwell you,
On which seashore keep you strolling!
They call you a foreigner
As you understand not our nativity

I do not like it that they will make them
Leave their homes and families,
Away from their lands,
To be shisyas here,

Foreigner girl,
How to say,
I love you
To you

When a foreigner enters
Who is just like a guest,
It is the duty of the govt.
To take care of

A Young Foreigner Guitarist

Foreigner Girl, Without Seeing You, I Cannot

Foreigner girl,
Without having a glimpse
Of your sweet face,
I cannot,

It Was A Beauty To See The Foreigner Girls

It was,
It was really a beauty
To see,
See the belles and blondes

On Seeing A Foreigner Girl

Though I want to view her often,
But find her not,
A foreigner girl,
Looking exquisitely beautiful,

O Foreigner Girl, Say You, What Is It In Foreign?

O foreigner belle, say you, what is it
In your foreign,
O foreigner belle?
Why the eyes so deep and brown,

Foreigner girl, I shall not let
You go,
Foreigner girl,
I shall not let you go,

O, Foreigner Girl (Haiku)

Foreigner Girl (Haiku)

Foreigner Girl, I Want To Go Foreign With You

Foreigner girl, I want to go

Just suppose
Your wife

Foreigner Girl On Seeing You (Valentine Day Special)

Foreigner girl
On seeing you
Want I
To make

Will You Be My Valentine, O Foreigner Girl?

I do not know your language,
Your custom and behaviour,
Just have seen,
Seen you,

By Which Seashore Are You Hearing My Call, Foreigner Girl?

By which seashore,
Which seashore
Lie you,
Lie you,

Beware Of Indian Guides, O Foreigner Girls! Beware Of!

O foreigner girls,
Beware of,
Beware of Indian guides,
The guides


I do not want to see the foreigner girls,
It beats and beats the heart of mine
On seeing her,
So cute and lovely

I Want A Foreigner Girl For Me

I want a foreigner girl for me,
An Indian blonde or belle not,
But a foreigner,
A foreigner rose,

O foreigner girl, say you, what is,
What is my relationship with you,
If say you not,
I shall not let go,

Foreigner Girls Are Like Foreign Flowers

Foreigner girls are like foreign flowers
Strangely beautiful,
So colourful and dreamy,
Fanciful and tender


I am waiting for foreigner girls
To select the newer themes of my poetry,
Yea, the foreigner blondes and belles,
Lasses to write my poetry,

Without Kissing The Foreigner Belle

I shall not leave the airport
Until I kiss a foreigner belle,
I mean a blonde.

O Foreigner Girl, Where Do You Live You?

O foreigner girl, where do you live you,
Say you,
Keep not mum,
Time is slipping out,

O Foreigner Girl, Where Are You Sitting Across The Shore?

O foreigner girl, where are you sitting across the seashore,
Sitting and thinking deeply
With the face on the hands,
Leaning and thinking

Just For The Kiss Of A Foreigner Girl, Lie I In Wait

Just for the kiss of a foreigner girl, lie I in wait
And I shall go
Only after seeing the foreigner girl,
Only after kissing her.

With the foreigner girl, my heart too went away
To foreign
With the outlandish, visitor foreigner girl
And I went on following her the day she landed, air dashed,

Frankly speaking, I could not resist my temptation
of looking the foreigner girl,
as the blonde was was beautiful, so beautiful
that the words fail to describe

With The Foreigner Girl (Haiku)

On Valentine's Day, Saw I The Foreigner Girls

On Valentine's Day,
Saw I the foreigner girls
And ti felt great, my Valentine calling me,
Greeting and welcome,

Namaste India, A Foreigner Girl With The Hands Folded In

A foreigner girl with the hands folded in
To say,
Namaste India
Just with the hands

With The Foreigner Girl, My Heart Too Went Away To Foreign

With the foreigner girl,
My heart too went away with her
Just after seeing her passing by,
Going to the airport

Just like a red rose appepared she to be
And I kissed her,
A red rose was she
A foreigner girl,

After Meeting A Foreigner Girl

After meeting her at the airport,
I could not forget her
As she lay hanging as a photograph
In my heart.


Foreigner love, I haven't seen,
Just have heard about you,
Now reveal you,
Who you are, what your identity,

A Foreigner Beauty (In Search Of A Foreigner Love)

A foreigner girl,
Golden-haired and glistening
In the sun
And the moonlight,

O Foreigner Girl, Just Suppose You (An Exchange Of Hearts)

O foreigner girl, just suppose you,
I am by you,
You are by me
And we know not,

O Foreigner Girl, You Do Not Know It...

O foreigner girl, you do not know it,
How deep is my love for you,
How much do i love you,
I do not know your language, gesture and behaviour

Foreigner Girl, Where Do You Live You?

Foreigner girl, where do you live you,
In which world,
How the life of yours,
Your country and clime,

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