RoseAnn V. Shawiak Meaningful Poems

Meaningful Lyrics

Looking back over the years, listening to songs of the
seventy's with an intense desire to relive it's music.
Meaningful lyrics tied in with life's natural rhythm
and events of the times.

Meaningful Music

Gentle breezes brush my heart and soul,
soothing them with natural wonder and beauty.
Love emanating throughout the atmosphere,
rejuvenating hospice staff and volunteers.

Meaningful Sounds

Children up and dancing, smiles on their faces, feeling rhythms
innately, adults tapping their fingers and feet to tempos of

Living In A Meaningful Way

Renewing faith through hope and prayer, taking time to regenerate thought patterns, creating brand new designs in order to change particular ways of doing something.

Matching and blending coded rhythms into musical scores of another tomorrow, creating a purpose of living this very temporary life, one that actually makes sense.

Meaningful Invitation

Gentle breezes blowing wisps of long hair into my face,
a delicate and meaningful gesture sent from God, Himself.

A wonderful and happy time here at Buddy's, always worth

Life's Meaningful Depths

Life's meaning is a distorted mirror image with no depth or
understanding beckoning us.

It is a waylaid occupation, giving no security or comfort in

A Placid And Meaningful Night

Walking down dusty trails of tomorrow filled with hopes and
dreams stretching and exercising themselves in music and its

Meaningful Horizons

Intensely permeating my soul, arranging visions within my mind,
filling it with accents of poetry.
Nature climbing aboard, giving life-awakening graces interiorly.
Searching lines for meaningful horizons, bent in and out of

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