Abdelrahim Mahmud

Abdelrahim Mahmud Poems

Honorable Prince! Before you stands a poet
whose heart harbors bitter complaint.

I will carry my soul in my hand
And throw it in the valleys of death

Abdelrahim Mahmud Biography

Abdelrahim Mahmud was born in 'Anabta, Tulkarm in 1913. He had his elementary education at Tulkarm Elementary School. He then went to Al-Najah National School and was a student of Ibrahim Tukan who discovered Mahmud's talent. He worked as a professor of Arabic Literature at Al-Najah. When The Revolution against the Bristish Mandate started, he left his job and joined in the fighting. He then went to Iraq where he attended the Military College for three years. Back in Palestine and in 1947, he joined the fighting agaist the Zionists and died in the battlefield near Al-Nasirah (Nazereth) on July 13, 1948.)

The Best Poem Of Abdelrahim Mahmud

The Aqsa Mosque

Honorable Prince! Before you stands a poet
whose heart harbors bitter complaint.
Have you come to visit the Aqsa mosque
or to bid it farewell before it is lost?
This land, this holy land, is being sold to all intruders
and stabbed by its own people!
And tomorrow looms over us, nearer and nearer!
Nothing shall remain for us but our streaming tears,
our deep regrets!
Oh, Prince, shout, shout! Your voice
might shake people awake!
Ask the guards of the Aqsa: are they all agreed to struggle
as one body and mind?

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