abdoolmaleaque oladunni

abdoolmaleaque oladunni Poems

A lady of character
A lady of care
A lady of adorable and classic voice
A lady of fun

She washes her face and feet
Now it's time she knows what she worth

She is clean like white, flawless like mild her, smells like musk

Rose is red, violet is purple although some argue it's blue.

Moon lights and sun shines.
Gold sparkles but I say it's wealth.

I blush when you gaze at me because your expressions are fascinating

Gelled hair properly packed and neatly studded
like grasses set on the ocean floor

The Best Poem Of abdoolmaleaque oladunni

Miss Wonder

A lady of character
A lady of care
A lady of adorable and classic voice
A lady of fun

She walked pass my way
Left with my heart unknowingly
She seems to be filled with surprises
She seems to be funny
She seems to move swiftly like a maidens cat

Her eyes sends a note to the mind
A note that sends a beep to the brain
A beep that makes the heart pound
A beep that makes you feel...
she is the best thing that can happen to you...

abdoolmaleaque oladunni Comments

it a very good one at least for some one coming up the stairs

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good one..., i love this one.. its so cool

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