Abdulkarim Jimale

Abdulkarim Jimale Poems

I dream of

A day when peace rings from south to the north of the country

Abdulkarim Jimale Biography

Abdulkarim Jimale is a Somali freelance Journalist with experience in humanitarian reporting from the Horn of Africa Region. He has worked with Somali, Kenyan and American Radio's and newspapers. Jimale is now correspondent for On Islam and The Horn Times Magazine. He lives in Wisconsin State of America.)

The Best Poem Of Abdulkarim Jimale

I Dream

I dream of

A day when peace rings from south to the north of the country

A day of peace, kindness, equality and justice for all

A day when we are one people of one land

A day when foreigners can’t divide and rule us

A day when we are all brothers of one nation

A day when the blind man walks from south to north free of dread

A day when everybody sleeps without scare of being killed, tortured or harassed

A day when mothers are not hopeless and helpless

A day when mothers are free of worry

A day when the wives don’t worry the situation of their husbands

A day when boys respect their fathers and mothers

A day when elders are the leaders of the community

A day where the professors are leaders not destroyers

A day when religion is not desecrated

A day when the girls go to school and have rights

A day when murders, destroyers and deceivers are in jail

A day when all are free of bandits, rapists, bombers, ghosts and killers

A day when the winners are respected

A day when all the youth have future

A day when kids are free of guns and bombs

A day when all kids go to school

A day when children play freely and walk around the streets with, books, balls and bicycles

I dream of a day when we are all free to return and build our mother’s land

Written By Abdulkarim Jimale, a son of Somalia living in a far away land. He is a journalist currently writing for for On Islam and The Horn Times.

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