Abu Huraira Shaikh

Abu Huraira Shaikh Poems

When evening came with rain,
I sat by the window.
Remembering your ever-smiling face,
I smiled with a sigh.

The more time you have, the more responsible you are.
The more wealth you have, the more responsible you are.
The more knowledge you have, the more responsible you are.
The more power you have, the more responsible you are.

The minute comes and goes,
Yet we don't wish to change ourselves.
The day comes and goes,
Yet we remain as we were yesterday.

The Best Poem Of Abu Huraira Shaikh

Tears In The Rain

When evening came with rain,
I sat by the window.
Remembering your ever-smiling face,
I smiled with a sigh.
Suddenly someone pushed me,
And I noticed tears in my eyes.

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