Adam Johnston

Adam Johnston Poems

I miss the scent of her smell,
So nice soft and sweet,
Things that build up my heart,
And make me feel complete

The Best Poem Of Adam Johnston

I Miss Her

I miss the scent of her smell,
So nice soft and sweet,
Things that build up my heart,
And make me feel complete

I miss the glimmer in her eyes,
The set I can’t help but too stare,
The way that she looks upon me,
My lungs can’t seem to find air

I miss her beautiful laugh,
She has humour I cannot deny,
The way she laughs at anything,
She’s my careless comedy supply

I miss her angel like touch,
Sending shivers down my spine,
A feeling I get from no other,
Like our souls meet together and combine,

I miss her heavenly voice,
So very much harder to say goodbye,
So soft so gentle so breath taking,
Could make an angel kneel down and cry


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