Adeyemi Adeeso

Adeyemi Adeeso Poems

Am a soldier
I may be leaving
'cos soldier go, soldier come,
but you are not forgotten,

Be still thou my soul,
When thou walketh through the fiercest storm of life,
Be still thou my soul.
When the heat of life drench thy soul,

Who are those that don't have a heart?
They claimed whom they are not,
And shamed their brothers to earn a fame,
Only if you know what's in their heart,

No idol like mother.
A mother is like precious gold,
priceless beyond compare.
She is like a precious gold.

Who can know what pleases the gods?
Or who can know the minds of the gods?
Sometimes they smile at you,
And another day, they mock you.

Beauty in nature
The world of the flower
The world blooming in glory
Stem's cry of beauty.

If i am a philosopher,
I would have been Aristotle or Pluto.
If i am an inventor,
I would have been fairer than Faraday.

I succumb to freedom
freedom to live.
A life of independence
free from tyrant and injustice.

In life, there are people that will hurt us and wrong us, but learn how to forgive and have a kindred heart.
In life, there are people that will disappoint us and leave us, but learn how to adjust and move on and let go.
In life there are obstacles on the way, but learn how to overcome for its meant to stir you up for greatness.
In life, there is failure that can make you fall and discourage, even if you fall learn how to stand and climb again.

If you fail to plan,
Then you plan to fail.
The moment you fail to plan,
That's the moment you makes way for failure,

Why yer have thou go nought O my soul.
Weary not, for thy hour has come.
That time to rejoice in thy grace.
kindred yourself from thy solely mood.

The sound of morning awake me with joy.
It means a new day as begin.
The beauty of the rising sun is incomparable,
And the thirst of the dew is refreshing.

When you see a star falling,
It's time to make a wish amending,
Stars are gifts of beauty divine,
Guiding through nights, they kindly shine,

The stronghold of heaven is broken,
The sun and the moon darkened,
The stars withdrawn their shining,
The day cometh, burn as an oven,

I hearkened not the voice of the saint.
Repent! Repent! ! Repent! ! !
Like the voice of the roaring lion
Sounding warning of danger around the corner.

If this is a goodbye, then the journey is short.
Am a sojourner, a stranger and wanderer.
The little life I had lived is of no regret.
Although, no monument has been dedicated to me.

The journey is long and I don't know when I'll be back.
No matter how the journey take me,
I will keep myself for you.
I will always be back for you.

Gentle like a dove,
Eyes like that of an ocean.
They are loners, secretive in their thoughts.
They give much more than they take,

A god in God's image.
A king magnificent in his might and power.
The sixth work of the creation.
A symbol of power, strength, and bravery.


oh! the house of gold,
citadel of riches,
gatekeeper of knowledge,
yours is the garland to grace the head.

Adeyemi Adeeso Biography

I am a lover's of word. A dreamer, a solitary Phoenix, arising from the flame. This is not my destruction, it is my birth.)

The Best Poem Of Adeyemi Adeeso

Am A Soldier

Am a soldier
I may be leaving
'cos soldier go, soldier come,
but you are not forgotten,
you are always on my mind
I will never forget you.

Even if I fade away,
that I walk in the cloud,
your wind will always blow,
so that I will not forget you,
to carry me where I belong.

Even if I March on,
through the battle field,
I will always hold my gun
to fire the wind,
so your name can echo to my ear,
so not to forget you.

Adeyemi Adeeso Comments

Adeyemi Adeeso Quotes

If you can't affect your generation, your generation will affect you.

If life offer you little, show that you have much to offer.

I live not for myself, for wherever I go I believe it is my responsibility, my duty to touch life. If you cant affect your generation, your generation will affect you.

Let your gentleness be known to all men.

Nobody is born as a winner, but we are all born to win.

They gives away everything to follow the art.They stand in lightning storms all of their life.They are a lover of words, a shaper of thoughts.They are the so called soulhealer..

No one is perfect but the only thing near perfectness is LOVE.

Learn to dream and dream big but dont fall asleep while dreaming

we can live in our fantasy world by actualizing our imagination

i live my life to be real, and the existence of today is who i am

'I know i have to write because I need to, and I write whatever I think of without consideration'.

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