Joshua Adeyemi Poems

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Sundry Rules I

If you give from what you don't have,
You'll be giving half.
If you sow want you don't own,
You'll be sowing stone.

Sundry Rules Ii

Get inspired by what inspires,
Never aspire to conspire against the empire
Which you admire. Rather allow your desire
To bear you on the tip of her wing to your empire.

Sundry Rules Iii

Do not eat a man's cake when he bakes it,
Else you'll be punishing your teeth.
Neither eat it if he doesn't bid you to,
For if you do, the meal to your aim will metamorphose into a foe.

Sundry Rules Iv

The more you run after your aim,
The more he run after his aim:
'For how will he be idle only to run after me?
If i wait i'll be his meal'.

Sundry Rules V

Don't get intimidated by what people do.
Get carried away and get the rule.
Then mend it to your own taste:
Shakespeare also weild similar case.

Sundry Rules Vi

Aspire, do not perspire,
Acquire, do not retire.
Admire do not conspire.
Your attire be sown by desire.

Sundry Rules Vii

Don't follow hollow
People go.
For sorrow borrow
So throw.

Sundry Rules Viii

Weak ones weak
The wise. For the trick
They use can be linked
To the nightingale's beak.

Sundry Rules Ix

Do not clamour for the armour
Of the strong. Nor for the savour
Of the weak. Twain are bound by
A rule: Change, which had them tied.

Sundry Rules X

Begging for help
Is better than slaving for help:
A poor poet with a gold heart, begs for help.
But a beggar on the remonstrating street, slaves for help.

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