Do you want to go back
To your sad past
Aren't you hurt enough
Have you forgotten everything already
Do you want to go back
To your sad past
Aren't you hurt enough
Have you forgotten everything already
We have been together for so long
I have forgotten
The first time we have fallen in love
She is so much beautiful
You woke up last time screaming
Was it a nightmare
But everything was pitch dark
How are you doing today
He doesn't speak
But smiles a beautiful little smile
It makes me happy to see you happy
Why did you stop
Your song ticks in my heart
Feed me up
I am hungry for happiness
Where are you now?
In front of your grave
You promised
But suddenly you broke down every thing
A reader an a writer)
Pouring Out My Heart
In front of the sea
We set our feet
Cuz the words to come out
Only the sea can hear
He has been my dear
When no one cared to be here
You know
My heart has been sick for so long
So lost like in a mist
Come here
Do you hear my heart
It has been calm
Since you my heart
Came near
I will only whisper
So you can believe
Don't be harsh on no one
But your heart
I know
You have been brave
All alone
No one can know
How much
You tried
How much tired you were
When facing the face of the world
All alone
Don't cry
Your heart will get sick again
And i need it to be safe
To love
And be loved
Never suffer nor hate
Not your life
Not being who you are
Whatever happens
Whatever you face
Never ever hate yourself again
You were the one who hurt
Yourself the most
Show me your face
I promise
I will never let you alone again