Ahmed Mahdy

Ahmed Mahdy Poems

First attraction,
Its like this blast,
The feeling of being intact,
To a person u don't know in fact,

When it comes up,
It rounds up,
Defines you,
Puts this lines to,

The Best Poem Of Ahmed Mahdy

First Time

First attraction,
Its like this blast,
The feeling of being intact,
To a person u don't know in fact,
U get in this endless track,
You run,
But u get only back,
U see her,
U get down and dragged,
To this river,
U call love,
I call some poisons bath,
Every thing about her is so precious u wanna grab,
Those diamonds that glow in black,
Those stars that leads u to your only path,
That smile,
It reflects your past,
That laugh just rhymes in your heart then reach your brain and flash,
Every thing seems like its new and brand,
She walks,
Every thing just dance,
The flowers they bloom and brace,
The princess that set the base,
Now your heart is the place she stays,
But as time naturally pass,
The reaction u had,
just keeps on turning to those red flags,
As u know the person from too much of that interact,
U realize u were blind and made too many gaps,
U may cry and feel like stabbed,
Wanna burn and break your back,
And jump from a plane and land,
From heaven to hell,
Then forth and back,
As every memory of her keeps on repeating,
Like a tape,
That just keeps leaking,
But now,
Your alive and breathing,
You have learned that in love there is no seeking,
When it come your door will be beeping.

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