Aida Roque

Aida Roque Poems

I woke up at the break of dawn, fresh
releases of morning dews dripping in
slow motion, enchanting. Birds are chirping,
a melodious song. I'm in complete surrender

I woke up at the break of dawn, fresh
releases of morning dews dripping in
slow motion, enchanting. Birds are chirping,
a melodious song. I'm in complete surrender

If our love is meant to be, let love
go and set it free. We search our
conscience and found our true
feelings, let it go and set it free,

I swallowed fear, creating a butterfly
in my stomach. It created thunders
and lightning in my chest and a seismic
movement disorder, shaking my body,

I dance to every beat, tempo, largo, allegro
and often by an exact nimble in crescendo.
Music of life are playful, it flip or flop but,
you can choose to dance the ill beat of life.

Swirling wind brought us by chance,
and I can't take my eyes, bedazzle
at you. My hands are sweaty, goose
bumps all over me, heart pumping.

A cobwebby, antiquated and
moldy. Folded pages marked by
dried tears and pressed flower
from an unforgettable love from

Positive or not, with killer virus,
people must be self-isolated away
from family, friends and loved ones
due to global pandemic but, home

Life is not a rehearsal to implicate
pain, consciously and unconsciously,
for you'll be sorry. There's a payback
for every fool things you scary and

The opposite of poverty is not wealth,
justice is. A curse, if born poor where
justice delayed is justice denied. The
judicial system denies the poor, to take

I fell into a deep thoughts..
until when the substance will
keep my body afloat.
Fighting the chronic pain and

Fake news, biased investigation,
white washed, the new normal.
Political Leaders, events abruptly
change, a role model, displaced.

No wailing on my grave dear,
my earthly body, for slithers feed,
my soul, sparkling in moonlit sphere.
Don't stand and grieve, I'm not even

The Best Poem Of Aida Roque

Sweet Melody Of Natures

I woke up at the break of dawn, fresh
releases of morning dews dripping in
slow motion, enchanting. Birds are chirping,
a melodious song. I'm in complete surrender
of what life's ahead, yes, in euphoria.

I breathed the early fresh air of dawn.
Exotic flowers in abundance, delighted to
see bees buzzing, to sip the intoxicating
fragrance of the sweet nectars. Trees,
swaying with the cool breeze.

A kaleidoscope of colorful butterflies,
fluttering it's wings, waltzing. Scented
breeze lingers on, romance fills the air
and very inviting. The sweet aroma of
love offering is exhilarating, endlessly

Love culminating life together, in a
secluded paradise. Cool breeze
touching my skin, realizing you're
with me that evening. A joy to behold,
waking up naked, beside you in bed.

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Aida Roque Comments

Michelle Benjamin 01 August 2020

really lovely poem and like the line I woke up at the break of dawn, fresh releases of morning dews dripping in slow motion, enchanting. Birds are chirping, it truly the melody of Nature

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Aida Roque Quotes

Seize life and live Seize the life we have, live and act with the present. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow, a blank page to fill. Wisely use your freewill, when soul depart, a clean carbon print, standout in the sand. ©aroque All rights reserved

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