Aimee Daniels

Aimee Daniels Poems

Like fury and like fire, your words they burn me still
I can not feel the sunshine when your every action is chilled.
I used to think you loved me
I was adored with every kiss,

Smooth Tongues made for smoother Lies
what Lies and lies behind your eyes I can't see, taking control of me,
but you don't and you won't yet. Because I can't let you be, let you feel what it's like for me.
Wanting to see until you want to Scream, you'll see what I mean.

There are no teardrops on my guitar instead only dust, forgotten music unplayed in anything but memories,
and the garden that was my soul grows brown,
no more to create, no rain to make things grow.


Misery in your presence,
I feel you leave with every kiss
I wonder if you think of me, and it's you I want to miss

The Best Poem Of Aimee Daniels

Tears Of My Heart

Like fury and like fire, your words they burn me still
I can not feel the sunshine when your every action is chilled.
I used to think you loved me
I was adored with every kiss,
Now all I know is Sorrow,
am I even missed?

I was your sunshine Goddess!
Our love was evermore!
Now everytime you look through me,
I only feel ignored.

You used to hold me close, and whisper in my ear
All those secret things that others should not hear.
I cannot help but feel that our time has been in vain.

I tried so hard to keep you, and yet you refused to remain,
My heart weeps to say goodbye, and yet I know it's time
To bid you a swift farewell,
and learn to live

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