Alan Duffield-lock Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Ocean Mind

? Your Guardian Angel ?

Outside of heaven's door,
there is a bell to ring,
when you pull the cord,
you'll hear a heavenly choir sing.

An Angels Kiss

In the clear cold night sky,
as far as the eye can fly,
the brilliant star's i see,
the silence is so noisy,

Someone And I

Someone has been out all night,
while i've been here at home,
someone will probably look a sight,
as i've waited here alone.

Season's Of Play

Come on, come out to play,
on this wet rainy day,
running in between the drop's,
getting wet before it stop's,

Oh To Be Ugly And Thick

Oh to be ugly and thick,
to have been touched by the ugly stick,
so my look's would not fade away,
i would be ugly every day,

A Soldier's Memory

I open my eye's and i'm looking up at the sky,
the bright star's are twinkling and a gleaming bright moon,
i feel wetness and droplets hitting my eye,
i wonder if i can move soon.

A Short Dream

I dream a dream,
a dreamer's dream,
it's not like anything i have seen,
pretty rainbow's with white fluffy cloud's,

A Christmas Tree (A Cat's View)

I see they've got a Christmas tree,
is it for them or is it for me,
this must be a gift for me,
i shall wait and see.


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