Alex David

Alex David Poems

I woke up this morning,
much to my amusement
the clouds were gone.
As if its never gonna come,


Mother earth has provided us enough to smoke,
you throw the seeds and it grows like weeds.
This is the land of Mother Ganga,
What is there in smoking Ganja?


Desire, is what they say
That needs to be killed,
For we have sorrow
That kills. Oh! It pains.

Who can stop a bird from flying?
Who can stop a child from crying?
Who can stop a man from dying?
I would like to crush this pen,

A start with thou grace,
showered by the sun.
An epic. The life's being described
of us and life that's yet to come.

I know you have your worries
and I too have my sorrows,
so till the time we are together,
lets not, all these make us bother.

With me it cries, my sweet innocence,
With me it burns, my self belief,
With me it fears, my bravery,
With me it shouts, my will that's free.

Deep within, I feel it
It moves slow and silent.
All through my body, spread across,
Confined within my skin.

The holes in the world it chews,
its roots within our grave.
Probes in the dark muck,
the beast is happy for the scared.

In the cool breeze of the morning sky
I sit here, stranded and all alone
thinking and asking, where am I heading?
Is it, the rising east or declining west.

Thou art, so beautiful,
and thou eyes, so pure.
Your charm, thats blissfull,
of this, I am sure.

Seems like it was just yesterday, that we met
stealing moments of joy, that would never fade.
From life so busy, where time flies like a jet.
Battling our way, through all, all that we hate.

Every moment seems so fresh, fresh as the morning dew
without ugly past nor the unknown, whats new.
Time seems to slow, occasions thats really few
space conquered, a dimension totally new.

All alone, with the setting sun
I lose myself.
Thinking of those days
young and new.

Perils, is there and will be
know not, why?
escape, we all search for.
For life is a struggle

I look at the midnight sky, I ponder
looks blank, seems the stars have gone
the moon entraped, making her invisible
amidst the clouds, covering the sky.

Hi pal, how are you?
you are looking beautiful
a cut above the rest.
What did you do?


You look, so beautiful
and thou art,
with shades of rainbow.
A shower of eternal bliss.

In this day there was an undertone of life,
without pause nor no end.
A star that looked closed enough,
to reach out and touch.

A sight of that looks
against that flair of awareness,
thinking, if only?
Oh! Forget it.

Alex David Biography

I have nothing much to say about myself, just that I prefer to dwell in my alternative state of consciousness 'cause I feel FREE. I just hate to be in between expectations and responsibility. BUT life is life, it ought to be. Hope, my work will help me leave a legacy that people will remember me long after I am gone. Monetary incentive is not necessary for motivation since the pleasure in expressing creativity is a reward in itself.)

The Best Poem Of Alex David

One Life, One Opportunity, One Shot.

I woke up this morning,
much to my amusement
the clouds were gone.
As if its never gonna come,
opening the way for the sun
for me, its a new day, a new beginning.

I may have lost my courage,
the strength to carry on
but things that's lost can be found
for my hope is ever eternal.
This gives me courage for me to dream,
a dream, that I'll make it real.

They say, dreams never come true
but I still have my shot,
to make things real, that's absurd
for this is all, what I have got
grandest gift, i can ever get
one life, one opportunity, one shot.

You may laugh, saying its absurd
and yes, you may be true,
for I seem weak and feeble
but its my character that counts.
A man, who never quits,
whose honour, uncompromising.

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