Alex Perez

Alex Perez Poems

She was the girl I had feelings for
Ever since she came up in my life
Ever since she walked through that door
I've never felt more alive


Love is the strongest feeling a person can feel and share
With it, the impossible is done
And all of life seems fair
Having the sensation and idea that something new has begun

Love is the strongest feeling a person can feel and share
With it, the impossible is done
And all of life seems fair
Having the sensation and idea that something new has begun

The Best Poem Of Alex Perez

My Stolen Princess

She was the girl I had feelings for
Ever since she came up in my life
Ever since she walked through that door
I've never felt more alive
Than when I talked with her side-by-side

Ever since I found out she had someone at her side
Someone that made her feel right
That day I almost started to cry
The day I almost wanted to die
It seemed like someone had waited for the right time, to stab my heart with a knife

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