Allan Mzyece

Allan Mzyece Poems

(Vi) 1
How long will this viscious cycle keep repeating itself?
It's like I am automatically programmed to burn in eternal flames,
And then snap!

Allan Mzyece Biography

Poet, Singer, Songwriter, Fashion designer and a Creative Artist... Better Known as LanTive)

The Best Poem Of Allan Mzyece

Straight Outta Hell

(Vi) 1
How long will this viscious cycle keep repeating itself?
It's like I am automatically programmed to burn in eternal flames,
And then snap!
My renaissance takes place,
Over and over again
experiencing a lilliputian supply of happiness,
I know everybody wants to put a frown on my ugly face,
I have enough of everything!
Crown me in dazzling solace,
But just dont call me a king-
For these horns on my temple represent the next apocalypse.

(Vi) 2
Another day of unextinguishing misery,
unbearable poverty and suspicious calamity,
Earth will spin until you finally fall,
it's a revelational prophecy for all,
you can't ignore something you never saw coming,
We are all bound to crawl!
you in and me out of hell!

(Vi) 3
Here she is, my Caramel,
The illusion I call my happiness,
My conclusion if life was a novel,
Every word she utters sounds like a gospel,
Jus hope she won't deny and betray me in the abyss tunnel,
Because she makes me feel like I came straight outta hell!

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