Alley Jello

Alley Jello Poems

When you start to miss what has been there for so long
and realize that it is no longer in your hands
the emptiness you feel becomes almost unbearable
That is when you try to fill in the blanks, so desperately

The Best Poem Of Alley Jello

Broken Heart

When you start to miss what has been there for so long
and realize that it is no longer in your hands
the emptiness you feel becomes almost unbearable
That is when you try to fill in the blanks, so desperately
it exhausts all the energy from your soul, you begin to sink...
down down you go, wanting to float above the empty hole
you cannot breath, think, and the only emotions you're familiar with...
is despair.
Hopelessness in this heartbreak.
You just want to hear those words again.
'I love you, too.'

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