Ally McDowell

Ally McDowell Poems

Pay to be heard.
That's right, a tax to speak your mind,
Hurry now, whip out your cedit card,
You don't want to be left behind.

The Best Poem Of Ally McDowell

Pay To Be Heard

Pay to be heard.
That's right, a tax to speak your mind,
Hurry now, whip out your cedit card,
You don't want to be left behind.

'We'll make you a better writer! '
They eagarly implie,
Well I am a better writer,
But not because of your lie.

What does it mean,
When you pay to be heard?
Shouldn't it be free,
Like the song of a bird?

But lets be honest,
I don't know what to do,
And from the looks of it,
Neither do you.

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