alphonso smoot

alphonso smoot Poems

How can we survive through all this violence, the city streets we live in, have no silence, the only thing you hear is gun shots and police sirens, tell me, when will it all cease, how many dead bodies is it going to take for us to stop, or will they finally stop, when everybody is deceased, then they wonder why the world has no peace, this world is so crazy, I'm just waiting for all of this to end, we need to demolish this violence, if not, how can we survive

The Best Poem Of alphonso smoot

How Can We Survive?

How can we survive through all this violence, the city streets we live in, have no silence, the only thing you hear is gun shots and police sirens, tell me, when will it all cease, how many dead bodies is it going to take for us to stop, or will they finally stop, when everybody is deceased, then they wonder why the world has no peace, this world is so crazy, I'm just waiting for all of this to end, we need to demolish this violence, if not, how can we survive

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