Amateur A

Amateur A Poems

You don't miss me do you?
But I haven't got a clue
So tell me why
Like the dark side of the moon misses the sun

I have a snuggly juggly pet
Of all the cutest that I bet
Of night skies his peepers remind me
That shines so bright and so gleamy!

The Best Poem Of Amateur A

Questions When You Cross My Mind

You don't miss me do you?
But I haven't got a clue
So tell me why
Like the dark side of the moon misses the sun
Like an undone poem misses word string
Like the stars miss darkness in the days
Like the winter beaten birds miss spring
Like dry patchy skin misses moisturizer
Like untreated milk misses pasteurizer
Like the night sky misses blue
oh tell me why? why so dearly do I miss you?

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