Ana Pepelnik

Ana Pepelnik Poems

sometimes a ship appears where nobody
looks suspicious and everyone is normal.
well maybe a little bit frightened

Suddenly the street empties.
That's the effect snow has. Today
it's falling down like curtains on a stage.
It brings some peace of its own and

Over the dirt-infested city spreads
a thin veneer of ice. Ljubljana's
a marzipan-covered cake. If you wander
through a few alleyways even as dark

I'm poking at a paper clip
with a finger. I dismantle it
to a thin wire
and a flower appears.

Today the world gets on my nerves.
People are overstrained
like buds on a cherry tree.

No wind. Just episodic shakes
of air released by a robin.
Right beside me. We left a whole week
of walking between blocks of flats behind us.

Ana Pepelnik Biography

Ana Pepelnik, born 1979, studied Comparative Literature and Theory of Literature at the University of Arts in Ljubljana. Her first book of poetry Ena od variant kako ravnati s skrivnostjo (One Way to Treat a Secret) was published in 2007 (nominated for The First Book Award), her second book Utrip oranžnih luči na semaforjih in 2009.)

The Best Poem Of Ana Pepelnik

On the Other Side

sometimes a ship appears where nobody
looks suspicious and everyone is normal.
well maybe a little bit frightened

there is always some weird life struggle
among schools of sharks below deck
and sweet lakes. i never know why every-
one always jumps into the waves
leaving me on deck
with starfish in my hands.
i give them as presents to the suicidal chef
who likes to imitate late Elvis before
jumping backwards and a little retarded.
later after lunch the same sharks
sing 'hey that's no way
to say goodbye' while sicking up
the light from Saint-Lazare

but the wierdest thing is i never go
crazy on this ship and i don't keep worrying
at my sanity. i just accept that there are
talented sharks and tone-deaf chefs.

co-translated by the author and Stephen Watts

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