Ananta Madhavan Poems

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similar, Not The Same

In a world where everything is unique,
Unrepeatable, beyond copying by camera,
Beyond reprography by Xerox or forgery,

Eyes New From Sleep And Sorrow

New are my eyes from sleep or tear-laved sorrow,
Awaiting a transient Tomorrow and Tomorrow.
I am reconciled to being just a nameless cog,
But hope that dream or trance allows a monologue.

Trees Know Their Seasons

They know their seasons. Our trees began to sense
It was time to sprout buds, to summon up from roots
Their gushing zest for the fresh breath of spring;
Leaves emerge on bare branches, soft as baby hair.


A Page To Fill

Life will be
A page to me,
A page which I must fill
According to my skill,

Thomas Hardy's Poems

Why run out of themes, would-be writer?
I glance through Thomas Hardy's verses.
Wish I could write them out anew:
'After a Journey'

Turning Point

He quoted from the stars as though that proved the point;
Sensing drama in the turn of a car at the gateway,
Or the fall of a letter on the doormat,
Like a sigh of desolate waiting;

To Know A Face

To know a face
Return a thousand times,
And scrutinise

Six Short Verses

1. Airport

Painter fog prepares the broad glass panes.

Fire Hymn

Fire builders, we shall pile the twigs
Here in this square of sacrifice,
Here in this place of sacrifice,
Here in this home of fire

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