Angel Acosta

Angel Acosta Poems

Tears glistening, streaming down my cheeks

Hope still flickering, but like a small dropp of water

Angel Acosta Biography

...been living like a robot...)

The Best Poem Of Angel Acosta

Caressing Hand

Tears glistening, streaming down my cheeks

Hope still flickering, but like a small dropp of water

Challenges are burden, frown and sorrow it will bring

Tell me, who will save me from here? ...

Running out of luck, feels like all alone

Joy and happiness, where are you?

Fill this emptiness I can’t bear

Tell me, who will save me from here? ...

Friends are diminishing, no one to talk to

Prayers are what is left, holding on

as if your life depends on it,

Struggles are useless if the world

is against you,

Tell me, who will save me from here? ...

Oh, Caressing Hand!

I beg your mercy, your kindness, and compassion…

Grant me eternal peace I can’t find in this place!

Please, oh please, save me from here……


I made this poem when I was very frustrated with my life... Pressure in school and pressure in my family is the number 1 reason of my being frustrated... even my friends turn their back on me... and so I was left with no choice but to calm myself through prayers because I believe God is always with us.... He will never forsake us!

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