Angel Nsemere

Angel Nsemere Poems

We were born together
You were in theroom next door
We were equal, no body knew us
I never knew you,

Angel Nsemere Biography

Hi! My name is Angel, and I am here mainly to awaken the writer in me. I have a special liking for spoken word, and this is where I will store m works till they come out to light. Above all, Jesus is all that I live for. His love sustains me.?)

The Best Poem Of Angel Nsemere


We were born together
You were in theroom next door
We were equal, no body knew us
I never knew you,
You never knew me.

We went out together,
Life let us grow up together
But you wanted to glow up alone,
so I left you.

I loved you so much, even when you made me feel less human than I really am.
I treasured you, and even at those times when you cried
I cried along with you,
You shared your sorrows with me,
But on your happy days you forgot me.
But I loved you so much
That even when you hurt me,
I tried my best to understand you.

You chose to drip,
But you're dripping too much,
I hate to say this but,
You're dripping so much, you may over flow into your fall...
Yes, it's true I wanted to be like you so bad,
But I thought life through,
And I chose to take the path that I did...
The kind of life you are living makes me feel like I am likely to regret the fact that I did not live life to the fullest,
But I have realised that I have to live life Iit's fullness

Even with the insecurities I have because of you,
I know that my future is in security..
Though it hurts that I won't go with you..

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