angela croft

angela croft Poems

Jane Austen's Bicentenary 2017

I picture you, Jane,
selecting scraps of cloth

Don't be afraid
there's a door between you
and the street

Sometimes I visit the old people
drift round the corner
in the winter light

I pour milk from the brown jug
into the bowl like the woman
on the postcard you sent
from Amsterdam,

Crimson sails pinned to the sky
fishing smacks becalmed,
the horizon stretches the canvas
to France, as the Cornish jowster

angela croft Biography

Angela Croft is widely published in magazines and online including 40 poems entitled 'Dancing with Chagall' anthologized by Prole Books following an open competition.)

The Best Poem Of angela croft


Jane Austen's Bicentenary 2017

I picture you, Jane,
selecting scraps of cloth
to patch your quilt with buttercups,
clover, lemon balm

your needle sure as a feather quill
you stitch a song with feverfew,
bluebells, forget-me-nots
and the wood anemone,

this lowly beauty
caught in a flush of sunshine
before the canopy closes.

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