Angela Danielle

Angela Danielle Poems

the hour has a start and an end.
everything has a start and an end.
is there anything after the end?
another start maybe?

The Best Poem Of Angela Danielle

The Hour

the hour has a start and an end.
everything has a start and an end.
is there anything after the end?
another start maybe?
a new life maybe?
the hour has life and death.
everything has life and death.
is there anything after death?
another life maybe?
can a man expand the hour? has not the hour 60 minutes?
has not the minute 60 seconds?
can a man shorten the hour? has not the hour 60 minutes?
has not the minute 60 seconds?
can a man reset the hour once its end comes?
can a man be born again?
if i look at the hour i see the center.
the center is a cross.

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