Angela Wybrow Poems

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Walking On Air

I remember the night
When I walked upon air;
It was one of those nights
So incredibly rare.

In My Dreams (2)

Even when you are not by my side,
Within my dreams you seem to hide.
I saw you last night as I slept –
Dreams like these I wish could be kept.

New Starter

For those of us who are naturally quiet,
Starting a new job can feel like a riot.
You drum up the courage to walk through the door,
But you’re still feeling nervous and really unsure.

To A Potato

Of forms, you have quite an array,
Including roasted, boiled and sautéed.
As trendy wedges or chunky chips,
You like nothing better than being dipped.

The Dawn Chorus

Dawn is the time when darkness becomes light;
A time when darkness disappears from sight.
The ashen veil slowly fades away,
To reveal another brand new day.

The Coventry Squirrels

Near Coventry Cathedral, upon the green,
A group of grey squirrels can often be seen.
Squirrel food can be bought from the gift shop,
Where many of the City’s tourists do often stop.

Surfers' Paradise

By the ocean, you feel yourself being called:
You just can’t resist, so you go grab your board.
The world all around you seems to disappear;
From everyday problems, your mind is now clear.

Verse Speaking Exam

I'm stood in the rehearsal room,
Going through my lines.
I glance at my watch:
It is very nearly time.

Spring Has Come

The first signs of spring are now in the air.
To show their faces, the flowers now dare.
Crocuses have appeared - purple and gold:
They’re no longer afraid of the biting cold.

The Dandelion Seed

A gust of wind dislodges it from its bed;
It travels upwards and drifts far overhead.

It climbs on higher and then higher still;
It seems to possess its own free will.

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