Angela Wybrow Poems

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The Blitz

During the time of ‘The Blitz’,
There were many direct hits.
The air was full of smoke and dirt.
Many were killed; many were hurt.

Your Words

When I feel like I’m drowning, your words keep me afloat.
Of your words, in my mind, I have etched a mental note.
Any time that I’m feeling low and really down,
Through my mind, your words tumble around.


Some memories, from your mind, you wish you could erase;
Whilst, other memories, in your mind, you are happy to replay.
Of your life, some memories, you wish had never been a part;
Whilst others, which are dear to you, you hold close to your heart.

The Deceiving Sun

The sun looks deceivingly warm, when I’m at home,
But the cold wind outside, chills me to the very bone.
In the bright sunshine, I thought that I would bake,
But it’s freezing, and my poor fingers actually ache.

Dew Drops

I love the mornings, when pretty dew drops settle
On every single blade of grass, bramble, and nettle.
Decorated are the herbs – rosemary, thyme and basil.
By millions of precious jewels, I am, totally, bedazzled.

The Bear

A big, brown bear tried to steal some honey,
But the bees in the nest found it far from funny;
The bees, they saw red,
And they buzzed round his head,

All-Day Dinner

They swoop and they swerve;
They live on their nerves.
Their eyes, black and beady,
Are watchful and greedy.

The Perfect Granny

She’d be a cat or dog owner.
She wouldn’t be a loner.
Fun parties, she’d host.
She’d live near the coast.

Christmas Lights

Houses are decked with Christmas lights,
Which brighten up the long winter nights;
The colourful lights flicker and flash -
They fizz and whizz, they dance and dash.

Frost (2)

All that glistens isn’t gold –
Frost is white and it’s cold.
It may look pretty; it may look nice,
But, oh, how I hate walking on ice!

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